02 April 2006

Playground fun

Saturday we went to the Battalion Easter Party at Goodfellow Rec Camp. The Rec Camp is right on Lake Nasworthy. Before we ate lunch all the kids played on the playground.

Owen is halfway up the steps in this picture, but you can barely see him.

Owen didn't want to go down any of the slides at first, so Haley slid down with him. After that we couldn't keep him off of them.

There were also monkey bars. Wonderful...it's been a while since we've taken anyone to the ER.

Here is Owen and Mr. Lets The Baby Hang Eight Feet Off The Ground Unaided So I Will Get More Grey Hair

This is Owen and Molly. She is Cpt. Kane's daughter. Molly didn't want her picture taken.

Here Owen is trying to figure out what is wrong with Molly and why she would not smile, while the whole time Amber and Arden are shouting Cheater! Cheater!

After the Cheater! Cheater! taunting, Owen reassured Arden that he only has eyes for her.

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