23 June 2006

Things I've decided:

Over the past few days I've had a lot of time to lay in the bed and reflect on my current situation. In that time I've decided several things:

I've decided that at 7 years old, Ashlyn is fully capable to completely run this house.

I've decided that it's okay not to wash your hair everyday, and if the best you can do is crouch in the back of the shower in the fetal position until you feel you are sufficiently wet enough to get out and get back in bed, well, you tried, and that's what counts.

I've decided that it's okay to cry yourself to sleep at night because you feel horrible as long as you are very quiet, because Scott has to get up very early.

I've decided that Haley could not be quiet if her life depended on it.

I've decided that when you hear "Take those away from Owen...wait, first check to see if he's on fire!" you pretty much have to get up.

I've decided I would rather take a bath in front of an audience of three and spend the hour talking about bellybuttons and boobies than take a shower like I talked about earlier.

I've decided that if one more cat tries to lay on my pillow at the same time I am using it then we will have one less cat.

I've decided that if suppertime was left up to Scott indefinitely he could and would alternate between spaghetti and meatballs and pizza for the rest of his life.

I've decided that when you are sick That 70's Show is the best thing you can watch on tv. Tivo-ing Terms of Endearment is not a good idea.

I've decided that although pregnant people are supposed to eat a lot of fresh vegetables, for me, personally, cauliflower is not a good idea.

I've decided that it will be a cold day in hell before I eat a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup again.

I've decided that if this baby thinks I'm going to get up at all hours of the night to feed it and change it and rock it when it doesn't feel good after it's treated me this way then it has another think coming.

I've decided that the one before this one was mean spirited and unfair and I don't mean it.

I've decided that if we get one more call in the middle of the night because some stupid soldier is acting like an idiot I am personally going to get up and go down to that company and kick their ass, and that's saying alot because I haven't showered in two days.

I've decided if my mother shows up someone's had a bad day.

I've decided that Scott is the best husband in the whole world.


Becca said...

I've decided that Jennifer Starr is one of the funniest people I know

Karin said...

Jennifer, I am truly sorry you feel horrible and if I could do something I would.. Even if you want them to stay with me.. But honestly, you have made me scared to death to ever be pg again.. I think about the surrogacy and I think oh god please dont let me be sick like Jennifer... Althoug every pregnancy got better for me, I think you could help population control if you had your story published. Dont they say girls give you more trouble, I know they do in my case.. So maybe it's a girl.. But from the sounds of Owen, could be another boy...