25 July 2006

Dream a little dream

I know it is waaaay too early for Owen to be potty trained, but a while back we were at Big Lots and he found a kid-sized potty seat with Elmo on it and would not put it down so I bought it. I figured he would use it eventually.

He is getting really good at knowing when he is going. He will often stand up (usually in restaurants), grab his crotch and scream "Owen pee-pee!" or twist a little and point to his butt and yell "Owen poop ball!" At home he will immediately stop whatever he is doing and run and get the wipes and a new diaper as soon as he goes.

Now we are actually encouraging him to use the potty seat, bribing him with gum, which he desperately wants to try, or m&ms, another of his favorites. He has spent a lot of time sitting there, usually when he first wakes up from sleep or a nap and his diaper is still dry, but he has never peed. He tries really hard, straining and pushing his stomach and whatnot, but to no avail.

I know that at young ages a child doesn't really think twice about going to the potty...when their body gets the urge to go, it's pretty much automatic, whether the kid is ready or not. I also know there is a time when that changes, and a child has to physically do the work himself and push it all out. I thought (mistakenly) Owen was at that point and the potty seat was a good idea, but the other night when Scott was putting them all in the bathtub something frightening happened. Owen turned to run out of the bathroom while butt-naked and small poop balls were falling unaided out of his butt, leaving a trail behind him. I guess that is a sign that he does not have full control, but if he does, then you have to admit it is very impressive that he can run away, laughing and yelling and push out poop all at the same time. I mean, what a multi-tasker!

Anyway, I feel potty training will have to wait, but in the meantime we went to Target today and of course they had Elmo underwear in a size 2T-3T and of course I bought him some to wear over his diaper while we are at home. I told him he had to pee and poop in the potty or we would have to throw the underwear away. He has been diligently trying this afternoon and evening, but nothing yet.


Anonymous said...

Uncle Tom- Jennifer, try this. A friend of Pam has a small male child and she tried it and it worked. Sit him on the potty and spray his wee-wee with water from a spray bottle. This will make him instantly urinate. Pam came home laughing about it but it truly does work. I do not suggest you taking the chance of spraying his butt!

Becky said...

Yeah, I consider Patrick potty-trained, but he still has accidents a few times a week, so who really knows?