24 November 2006

22 November 2006

The Rock Climbing Wall

This is just some of the fun we experienced yesterday during Military Appreciation Day. Ashlyn wanted to climb the rock wall and I didn't want her to do it because it was very very high, but she insisted and she was very good at it and everyone cheered when she rang the bell at the top.

Haley was too quick at hugging the dog for me to get a good picture.

Haley shaking the Crime Dog's hand.

The girls shooting basketball.

The girls with Sparky the Fire Dog.

Military Appreciation Day

Yesterday was Military Appreciation Day and they had a lot of activites planned on post so we all went to check it out. It was a beautiful day, with winds out of the north at 700 mph. This is not a picture of all the soldiers on the base here, but it does include Army, Air Force, Navy and Marines. The side closest to us was all Army.

Here is a picture of what was going on at the back of the formation. Scott is actually paying attention to the speech, but LTC Chester is fooling with his blackberry.

Ashlyn's Thanksgiving Play

Last week we went to see Ashlyn's class perform a Thanksgiving Play. It was very nicely done. The children all remembered their lines and no one cried. Ashlyn was a pilgrim, that's why she has on that hat. When she came out to say her lines it was quiet and Owen yelled loudly "I see Ashlyn right THERE!" and everyone laughed.

This is a picture of Ashlyn's teacher, Mrs. Williams, helping Ashlyn take off her hat to get ready for the song part of the show.

The song they sang was "50 Nifty United States" which is a song I actually learned in 3rd grade, so Ashlyn is no doubt smarter than I am because she learned it in 2nd grade. In this song you sing the names of all the states in alphabetical order. Scott has often mentioned that my ability to do this is not at all impressive, but he thinks that a lot of the stuff I have floating around in my mind is useless knowledge. However I think he is the king of useless knowledge. Who cares about all the countries of the world and the names of all their leaders and what the temperature and climate is like in any given country at any given time? That must be an army thing...


A surefire way to get Owen to be still for 15 minutes straight: Bake cookies!! He brought in his chair and didn't move!

Veteran's Day Parade

Here are the pictures I took at the Veteran's Day Parade down in Menard, Texas. Menard is a quaint little town with about 500 people, and all of them were at the parade, and all of them were packing (if you know what I mean). All in all, it was a beautiful day, an impressive parade for the size of the town, and a good time. Afterwards we went to the VFW and had lots and lots of homemade food that all the nice people of the town brought.

16 November 2006

My reasons, issues, problems, etc.

Several people have asked me in the past few days why I haven't updated my blog. There are a number of reasons, the main one being that my family is making me crazy right now with all their issues and crap. The school has sent home so much paperwork regarding upcoming events that I had to go and buy a pocket calendar just to keep up with this week. That is just the beginning.

She has two main issues I am dealing with.
1. It is pretty cold here in the mornings (40) and she is a weenie. So every morning she cries because she is concerned that when she rides the 1.5 miles to the school she will be cold.
2. She wants a bra for her birthday. This is because her cousin Rebeckah visited us in July and told her that when you turn 8 you can get a bra. (Joan, we need to discuss how much of a bad influence your daughter is)

Okay, who are we kidding here? Haley has no issues with anything or anybody, but we have issues with her. Haley knows no such thing as stress or worry, but she gives me gray hairs daily.
1. She has a boyfriend named Alex. Alex brings her stickers and stamps each day and on Friday he pays for her popcorn--not the .25 regular kind, he splurges on the .50 cheddar because that's Haley's favorite. I don't think any further detail is needed for everyone to see my issue with this.
2. She regularly trades away the small amount of healthy food we send in her lunchbox for other peoples' desserts. Again, enough said.
3. She really really really wants a real live turtle for her birthday and if she doesn't get one then that's fine, she'll just ask Santa for one. If anyone has any advice on this one, let me know.

Owen has regular issues with everything I do. He now speaks in full sentences which include:
1. Get off the inner-net and play with me.
2. Owen needs a taco.--Owen thinks everyday is run for the border day at our house and begs for tacos all the time. fyi-it's actually a mexi-melt with no pico.
3. We go to the commissary...you buy this for Owen.--never have I met a child who enjoys grocery shopping so much. the buying part is basically reserved for peanut m&ms, which he eats at a frightening pace.
4. Look up.--Never, ever look up when Owen tells you to do this. This is just a ruse to get you to lift your head so he can punch you in the neck. Scott taught him this little gem, and we are all thankful. Owen is planning on doing it to Pops when he gets here Monday because another way Owen gets his jollies is to threaten my chance at an inheritance.

Owen's other main issue is that he truly believes that his stomach hurts not because of all the peanut m&ms or the 8 packs of fruit chews he averages a day but because he has a baby in his stomach. This is a huge point of contention between the two of us. Basically, he is right about it and I am wrong-there really is a baby in there.

1. With the new fence being built Max is only allowed outside when he is tethered to the picnic table, which he doesn't enjoy. He is also a weenie about the cold weather in the mornings.
2. He refuses to poop in front of anyone, and with all the fence builders outside it's impossible to get any privacy.

Frosty's problem is he is a cat, and cats are weird. And though it has not been diagnosed by a doctor, I believe Frosty has ADHD and needs medication for it.

Scott's issues are all soldier related. How oh how do you make 300+ people act like decent human beings? Well, you don't, so you hand out article 15s and take away rank and pay and get home at 7:30 every night.

I suppose all these problems I have listed above are actually my issues. I also have others, which we will not go into because they are pregnancy related and therefore gross. But I will say that I detest all people who can poop on demand and who get a good night's sleep every night.

So that is pretty much it, if you don't count all the stuff I didn't mention. Owen and I are fixing to leave to eat lunch with Haley. This is parent involvement week, so we will eat with Haley from 10:45 to 11:15. At 11:00 I will be in Ashlyn's classroom to watch her perform as a pilgrim in her class Thanksgiving show. (and yes, I will magically be in two places at one time). Then at 11:30 we will eat lunch with Ashlyn. Scott is supposed to meet us there--he'll be late. Owen told me he'd act decently--he won't. Wish me luck. At least I remembered to charge the camera so I will have hard evidence for the doctors...or lawyers.

08 November 2006

It's a GIRL!!!

Here's a 3D picture of the baby. That curly thing by her eye is the cord. 3D pictures like this are a little freaky looking, so her right eye looks weird. Scott thinks she looks like Owen when he's sleeping.

And yes, we have a name.
And no, we're not telling you.

At this stage of the pregnancy the baby should weigh about 2 pounds, but of course this one weighs 3.3 lbs. After the ultrasound they did the diabetes test and when I got home I found out I failed the test, and I failed it miserably, so I have to go back tomorrow for the 3 hour one and to speak with the hospital dietitian. Oh, and I'm anemic too. Very anemic.

So maybe that 3 hour test will be negative and we can be done with it, but if not, then so be it. I think it's supposed to go away after the baby is born.

But she sure is a cutie!!!

The 3D Ultrasound

I am fixing to get ready and leave to meet Scott for lunch (yes, shocker that he actually gets a long enough lunch to share it with me inside a restaurant as opposed to the drive-thru) and then we are off to the 3D ultrasound appointment.

This ultrasound will tell us many things, one of which hopefully being the sex of the baby. It's pretty simple--if it's a girl we will have another wedding to pay for, and if it's a boy Owen will get a "partner", some little innocent being to corrupt. So either way we're screwed.

04 November 2006

What a comedian

Owen: Where are we going?

Me: We're going to get some kung pao chicken.

Owen: O wants a taco.

Me: Well okay, we'll drive through Taco Bell and get you a taco.

Owen: Where's O's taco? (please keep in mind that Owen watches entirely too much Sesame Street and speaks of himself in the third person, much like Elmo does)

Me: It's at Taco Bell. We're going to get it.

Owen: O needs a taco now.

Me: Owen! We're on our way to get you one.

Owen: O TACO NOW!!

Me: Good grief Owen, we'll be there in a minute. I can't just magically produce a taco!

Scott: Yeah, it's not like it's a kid or something.

03 November 2006

Come as you are

Apparently yesterday I was tagged by Becky to put a picture on the blog of me exactly at that moment. I didn't check her blog yesterday so I had no idea. Today, I was getting ready to go to the commissary and checked everyone's blog and so here's a picture of me. I would have included my stomach, but it won't fit in the frame of the picture because it's so huge.

You are also supposed to talk about the person who tagged you and I don't ever get to see Becky so I don't know what to write. I tried to think of something funny, and it seems to me that when I lived in Rome it was always very easy for me to shock Becky in some way, usually in ways involving the large number of children I always had with me. But then I remembered one time we were talking about ironing--Chris's iron specifically, which could very easily put a crease in a concrete wall, and I mentioned that I would like to have an iron like that for quilting and Becky said "Well, why don't you get one." And I said "It cost $240." And then in a had-to-be-there moment I'll never forget her eyes got as huge as plates and her voice got all squeaky and she said "OH MY GOD! For an IRON?" If any of you know Becky then you must know exactly the expression and voice I'm talking about. If not, then you need to try to shock her sometime because it's totally worth it. Even as I think about it now I'm laughing and I don't really know why...I think all my blood is going to the baby...

Oh, and I'm for the come as you are thing I'm tagging:
1. Amber- who won't do it (fuddy!)
2. Karin- who never updates her blog, so she won't do it
3. Lucinda- who might actually do it