02 January 2007


Last night was another uncomfortable night filled with lots and lots of pressure and pain so this morning I called and moved my appointment from tomorrow to today and went to see the doctor. We all agree that it is too early for the baby to be born, but I still needed something for the pain.

After a pelvic exam (YAY!) and some crying I successfully scored some Vicodin. The entire appointment the doctor kept talking about Tylenol so I thought that was what I was getting. When I got in the car and looked at the prescription I was confused because I honestly didn't know what vicodin was. Well, now I know!

Scott went to the pharmacy and got the medicine and I took two pills along with a chocolate milkshake from McDonalds. Vicodin is WAY better than any tylenol! Scott told me that after taking it I couldn't operate any machinery so everyone had cereal for supper tonight as I was afraid to try to work the stove or microwave. Also, at some point during my euphoric state I apparently slept for almost three hours AND talked to my father on the phone, which I don't entirely recollect. The pain has dulled considerably....to the point where I am up and about, happy to clean or whatnot, though the pressure is still there and Scott keeps telling me to sit down. I am still having contractions, and I go back to the doctor next Wednesday.


Becky said...

Just remember what Nicole Richie discovered for all of us...vicodin and marijuana and state patrol officers don't mix!!!

Anonymous said...

vicodin is the bomb, girl. just sit back and coast. enjoy it. :)