18 February 2007

15 years!

This May will bring about my 15 year high school reunion. I doubt we are actually having a reunion because I don't think we've had one yet...hmmm maybe I wasn't invited... Anyway, this picture was taken in 1992, which was obviously the Time of Big Hair. The best best best part of this picture is without a doubt my hair, and the best best best part of my hair is that THIS IS NO PERM. That's right people, my hair will do this RIGHT NOW! This is the exact reason no one will ever see me at a swimming pool getting my hair wet. Thank God for my Chi flat iron I got on Ebay or I would look like this every single day.
Here we have some pictures of me playing basketball my senior year. I know it is my senior year because of my big hair. Please note the obscene level of skinniness. In the second picture it seems impossible for my tee-tiny arms to be able to hold a basketball at all, much less lift it over my head and thrust it toward the basket. Yes, I will admit my arms are a bit small...but gosh I'd kill to have those legs back! HA! (in high school I was voted best legs...not most likely to succeed or most talented or smartest or any of that crap...nope, I got best legs...somewhere my parents are absolutely bursting with pride. Oh, and Brian got best dressed, so he can't give me any crap even though he did eventually graduate from law school.)


Anonymous said...

oh, your hair rocks,man! and you have amazing legs! hey-i'd be mighty proud gettin' that award! :)

Anonymous said...

Isn't it sad that we didn't have a 10 year reunion? The only way we all see each other is for wedding showers or baby showers, and then it is the same one's that show up for everything. Sometimes I see someone we graduated with at Wal-Mart. They usually look old though. We don't look old do we? Jim's 20 year is coming up and I have to get really hot and skinny before it so all of those old ladies from PHS will be jealous.

Anonymous said...

Those were the good old days. Playing basketball was the best exercise.
oh, by the way.. I liked your hair like that.
