07 April 2007

Ear Update

Okay, so the ear is fine and the "foreign body" has been removed. It took me and three other large adults to hold Haley down while they put the mask over her face. She was screaming "I don't want to go to sleep!" over and over again. It was beyond terrible....but it's over and all is well. The doctor didn't even need to put in any stitches. I have to take her in for a follow-up appointment on Friday, which is after I take Owen and Skylar in on Monday for Owen's 3 year check-up/shots and Skylar's follow-up to her two month check-up to make sure the new formula is agreeing with her and after my appointment on Thursday which is a follow-up from two weeks ago to make sure my new medicine is agreeing with me.
(Amber, this is another reason I need a monthly calendar!!)
So my parents left Friday taking Brian, Jenny, Mary Kate (who does not like me, even a little bit), Jake, and Maggie with them. They picked a good time to leave, as today it is snowing like a mother outside. I have lots of pictures to post from their visit; hopefully I'll get around to that soon. Skylar survived the famous Mary Kate and the famous Mary Kate survived Owen so all in all I consider the visit a raging success. And Jenny taught me how to make hair bows for the girls' hair so I should take pictures of them also. BTW Jenny is a great teacher, full of supporting, kind words like "I swear I've never seen someone have so much trouble using a hot glue gun before in my life." Right after that I pushed her down.


Anonymous said...

Oh, I thought you needed the calendar to keep track of the days between your period, to make sure you don't miss another!!

Anonymous said...

i am so glad haley is doing okay! and snow? damn! it's pretty cold down in Hotlanta too though. It was 30 degrees this morning. Happy Easter to you and your family from all your friends here at Cuppa Joe!

Brian Bojo said...

Just to let you know- I could take you anytime, anywhere! Especially if there is a hot glue gun involved! :)