04 February 2008

Stupid by association

"Owen!  What in the world are you doing?  Why are you doing that?"
"I don't know."

"SCOTT!  What is wrong with your son?  Why is he doing that?"

"Well my God Jennifer, you've got him dressed in a Chad Johnson shirt.  He can't help but be a dumbass." 


Amy said...

So by that thinking I need to find some kind of Darwin shirt or something before my BIO test on Thursday. My BIO test that my professor seems to be so excited about because he has been bragging all semester that at least 60% of us are going to fail and 40% of us will get the worst grade we have ever made in our lives.

Jennifer said...

Well, good luck with that test! I wouldn't go back to school if you paid me. Well, maybe if you paid me I would. Just get a shirt and some paint and make your own. I think it's some sort of osmosis that makes it work. Don't you know? Isn't osmosis part of biology? All I took in college was economics and finance classes so I haven't got a clue. Becca has a biochemistry degree though. You should call her....HEY! You guys could hang out and talk some bio!

Amy said...

Yeah, except she'd make me feel more stupider than I already do. DOH!