10 December 2008

Christmas Parade 2008

This year we were lucky enough to be able to attend the Rome Christmas Parade.  I have held off talking about it even though there were a few floats that I definitely needed to address on here, mainly to back up the fact that SHE IS NOT MARRYING HIM.  Now, after several weeks of heavy prayer, Jax is history.  Say it with me people, THANK YOU, JESUS.      

I would like to say that every church in Rome, GA (and there are about a million since this is the bible belt and all) had a float in the parade.  I took a picture of every one of them, but they all looked pretty much alike and not a single one was particularly remarkable so I won't bore you with them.  Also, just about every high school had a band participating, and I'm not posting pics of them either.  Everybody has seen a band before, so there's no point.  I'm just gonna pick a few of the more interesting ones and share those.

Firstly, I give you Brian and Claire, voted "Most Photogenic" at the Christmas Parade this year. 

These are a small group of pictures that prove that all you had to have in order to be allowed to participate in the parade is enough money to cover the entrance fee.

Cloggers!  They had cloggers in the parade.  Clogging is big time down here.  There was a guy in my high school, I think his name was Lamar, and every year in the talent show he would clog.  And even though everyone was like "I'd never be caught dead clogging" he would always get the biggest ovation because he was absolutely awesome at it.  One year he did a cartwheel off the stage and clogged up to the back of the auditorium and the crowd had to be held back to keep from mobbing him in the aisle, it was that exciting.  (and people actually wonder why I moved away from here)  Oh, and FYI, Amanda was a clogger for like, 12 years or something.  And she honestly believes she's coming over on Monday to sew.  We'll see about that.    
Look at the cute little cloggers!  Sometimes I feel like I missed out on certain things in my childhood.  Now is not one of those times.
I'm not going to say anything about this one.  I'm sure there is a lot to be said, but I just don't even want to address it.  
Do you recycle?  We do.  The green thing on the truck goes by the name Re-Re (really?  that's the best you could come up with?)  He came to Owen's school and terrified all the children and then he rode in the Christmas parade and terrified all the rest of the kids.  He bothers me a little.  I can't put my finger on exactly what it is, but he makes me nervous.
Here's a picture of Santa, who Skylar refuses to have anything to do with.  I told Skylar that we were putting all her passy's in her stocking and Santa would take them and leave her presents and her actual words were "I don't give a rat's ass what he leaves me, that man is not taking my passy's."  And now she won't go near him and when we see him at the mall she hides her passy behind her back.  
And here are the pictures I wanted you to see the most.  See the lady driving the tractor?  She is Jax's mom.  Look how happy she looks, up there driving a tractor in the Christmas parade.  And look at the sign on the tractor.  She's a logger.  Good grief.    
Look at this one.  The little girl driving?  The same 9 year old who was driving the kids around at the birthday party.  Driving a jacked up power wheels in the Christmas parade.     
Oh, and here's the rest of the family.  See, they're waving right at me, because they recognize me from the birthday party.  We're tight like that now. 
I told all of you how bad it was, and nobody believed me.  You all want to laugh but you've got kids who are going to pull this same kind of shit one day and who's gonna be laughing then?  Huh?  ME! 

How do I always get myself into these situations? I'm lucky that way I guess. Like the time I took Haley to a birthday party in Texas and we were the only white people there and they played Jay-Z really loud and had a dance-off and Haley won.  It's mind-boggling.  Maybe for Christmas I'll get some Calgon.


Amy said...

I don't know if it is you getting into these situations or if it is Haley! Maybe she needs to become a nun!

lucinda said...

Can I just say that those monster trucks - big and little- were Will's favorite parts of the Parade. He went crazy when they came by us!

Midge said...

The mom looks like June Carter Cash, hair and all... do they participate in axe throwing contests too?

The Layne Family said...

Aww, hell! Why did ya have to mention the clogging? Seriously? You could have left that part out. Those were a bunch of pansies anyway! Try keeping in step and not busting it on a flat bed trailer going over railroad tracks. Now THAT is serious clogging! Not that I'm being defensive or anything...