02 November 2005

Just call me Mr. Fat Lip

Owen tends to pick fights. Sometimes with one of the girls' doll strollers, sometimes with his little lawn mower or the slide, a ball, Max, the toilet paper dispenser, the sliding glass door, etc. If something or someone is not doing exactly what he wants it/them to be doing he will try to inflict damage. Last night he decided to pick on the coffee table. I'm sure as he stood on top of it he felt he was either winning or at least was at an advantage. Unfortunately, his dismount needs a little work and he ended up busting his lip on the wonderful ceramic tile floor we have. He screamed and then kicked the table, which, in hindsight, was probably not the best idea, but he is only 18 months old so he is just starting to learn about consequences.

On another note, Ashlyn finally has a tooth that you can truly consider "loose". So Ms. Lucy Tooth bear has been dug out of the stuffed animal toybox and has taken up residence on Ashlyn's bed, waiting ever patiently to fulfill her duties of handing over Ashlyn's tooth to the Tooth Fairy in exchange for money. There is a small concern that Max may find Ms. Lucy Tooth and claim her, but Max honestly prefers Care Bears, not Boyd's Bears, so I think we're safe.

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