01 May 2006

Elevator Fear

Yesterday Owen learned how to use the doorknob lock and can now get his bedroom door open and escape when he is supposed to be napping. All in all, not good.

Just so everyone knows, Scott's parents are visiting this week. They officially go by the names Meena and PaPaw. Owen has rechristened them. They are now MiMi and Poopball.

In other news, today we found that Owen has a tremendous fear of elevators. I was quite excited when we found out because I thought I could come home and find some cool sounding phobia name for this fear and write all about it. It turns out the fear of elevators is simply called elevator fear. What an utter let down. My disappointment with this simple term knows no end. Anyhoo, when on an elevator and standing by himself, Owen makes small short noises that sound like a scream that is being cut off. Also, his legs shake uncontrollably. In a word, hilarious.

On the way back down in the elevator, Scott held Owen. When we walked up to the doors Owen pointed and said 'O...no no' (O is what he calls himself). Instead of comforting the scared child, I got out the camera to capture the moment forever on film...or disc...or computer...whatever. He was quite nervous while we waited for the doors to open.

Once we got on and the doors closed, his nervousness turned into a full wail. Before you begin to feel sorry for him, think about the fact that he totally showed his a** twice today in public and made me look really bad. Also think about the fact that as soon as the doors opened he was fine, so his upsetedness was confined to about 20 seconds. So I feel putting Owen back on the elevator instead of taking the stairs was completely fair. Plus, stairs are, like, work.

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