17 August 2008

'Master would be proud because Owen touched it

Tonight we went out to my aunt's house so we could eat dinner and so she could alter Haley's cheap cheerleading uniform.  While we were there Owen, Haley and Skylar swam with Uncle Ronnie while me, Grandma, Aunt Chris and Heidi watched from the deck and Ashlyn sat on the side sulking because she couldn't get it.  So there we were, sitting there minding our own business when we were viciously attacked by a tree frog.  

I don't know if I've told any of you this but I'm not exactly one for nature.

And Chris goes flying out of her chair and really, it didn't matter at that point I was just about to pass out and I didn't even know what I was supposed to be running from because I didn't see it at first.  All I knew is here is a woman who spent many many years camping in a camper that folded up into a shoe box and lives in the boonies and if she is the least bit anxious about a creature then I'm sure as shit gonna run for the hills.  I'm not lying about the boonies part either.  While we were there some animal we couldn't see keep making some sound, like a BAAAAA!, and I kept saying "Are there sheep over there?" and there wasn't, apparently there are lots of animals that make that sound, WHO KNEW, and it could be all sorts of things, like a rabid deer or mad cow.  Also, her address is Georgia but I think it's really Alabama and they are just fooling us.

Then we (I use that term loosely as I was in my car already) realized it was just a little tree frog so we decided to catch it in a jar so Ashlyn could take it to Mrs. Lynn, her science teacher at school.  

We put it in an old mayonnaise jar and brought it home and it's now sitting on the kitchen counter.  And for the last half hour Frosty has been sitting on the counter beside the jar hissing at it.  Ashlyn is taking it out of my house tomorrow.  

Behold, Freddy the frog.    


Amy said...

It looks pretty comfy sitting there in your house. 'Master says you should let O keep it as a pet. Oh, and he says to let him keep it loose running all over O's bedroom.

lucinda said...

Love the frog's name!