15 August 2005

Mamas don't let your babies grow up...

Haley finally earned 100 stars on her chore chart. Her prize was cowboy boots. For those of you not keeping up, Haley wants to be a singer/cowboy (who ice skates on the weekends) when she grows up. Anyway, she got the boots, wore them home, and Owen promptly put them on. His new thing is to try to wear everyone else's shoes around the house. BTW-Haley wears her boots EVERY day, rain or shine, so anyone who decides to send clothes must send stuff that is cowboy boot appropriate.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When my Haley was 5 or 6 she got a pair of RED cowboy boots for Christmas. They were worn with everything! I had bought a beautiful dress from Lad and Lassie that was her personal favorite with the boots. Aren't little girls with minds of their own the most fun????