03 March 2009

New background

The new St. Patrick's Day background is my first lame attempt at creating my own layout from scratch.  Ashlyn helped, and by that I mean I asked "Do you think the two buttons should be even or not?" and she said "Even."  Of course she wanted to go around hogging all the glory when we got the thing to actually load, but I expected that.  Now that I look at it I can tell that the striped border looks awful...maybe a plain white divider would have been better.  Anyway, I'm hoping to get better with time.

St. Patrick's Day is my favorite holiday, because that was the day Scott and I first spent any time together outside of finance class, way back in 1996, and we've been together ever since.  (well, not counting basic training, PLDC, when he went to San Diego, OCS, when he went to Japan, all the field time in Alaska and Hawaii, that time he went to Afghanistan, and the present)  I know there are several people out there who read this blog who were there that fateful night (AW!) and PLEASE KEEP YOUR STORIES/COMMENTS TO YOURSELF.  No one wants to hear the whole sordid tale.  It would take too long and I would have to answer too many uncomfortable questions, most of them leading to more uncomfortable questions, like "Did you ever find Tonya?" and "Where exactly did you last see the car?" and "What on earth happened to those stuffed animals?"  *sigh*  Those were the good ol' days.

Yeah, sit there and judge.  You know you wish you had been there.  

**edited to add**
this was the first background I made

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