21 March 2006

Amber, my hero

I mentioned the other day about Owen's new found love of Cookie Monster. His birthday is coming up in a little over a month-hint hint. We have quickly run out of diapers with YumYum! on them (his first choice) and recently ran out of MoMo! also. Sadly, we are left with Big Bird and Bert, who, by the way, has to be the worst choice for a diaper...really? Bert? Come on! What about The Count or Snuffleupagus? Anyway, we go over to Arden's house for playdates on Monday, Wednesday and Friday while Haley is at school. Amber has actually been switching out the diapers we take over there with YumYum! diapers, which has made her a -DARE I SAY IT- Higglytown Hero type of person to Owen and me. Again, we will not discuss Higglytown Heroes in any form other than to mention the name. I have already voiced my opinion about that show here and here. I'm not saying being a Higglytown Hero is bad in any way, I'm just saying the show is freakin freaky to me. I'm digressing...

Note: Arden and Owen wear the same size diaper, so that is how this is actually working. This is not because Arden is obese, fat, chunky, overweight, etc., as some less-smart people are wont to believe. It is simply because Owen is kinda skinny because all he eats are fruit chews and corn fritters.

On Monday Amber made it one step closer to sainthood when she pulled out this fabric. It's the softest flannel cut into two 1.5 yard pieces. Owen went nuts! We brought it home and I had grand intentions of cutting it into squares and making him a blanket, but he won't put it down long enough and I'm afraid if he saw me cutting it he would have a heart attack. I still plan on doing something with it, but for now he's dragging it around behind him everywhere he goes. I guess I'll let him get it good and broken in first.

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