14 March 2006


Owen has found something that means almost as much to him as BALLS! do. Now he walks around yelling for Momo! (Elmo) and YumYum! (Cookie Monster). I cannot stress enough the importance of these people in Owen's life. We have a Singing Poppin' Pals toy that plays music and is a huge fan favorite here. Also, the diapers have Sesame Street characters on them and he searches through them and will only wear Momo! or YumYum! We also got him the Sesame Street DVD Do the Alphabet and he watches it over and over, which is not only fun for him but also educational. I doubt he will actually learn to Do the Alphabet though, because the entire time he is not listening to the letters, he is screaming Momo! and YumYum! So if anyone is thinking Wow, those kids are just so cute I want to eat them up...smother them with kisses...BUY THEM SOMETHING, please go to Walmart and find a dvd that showcases either Momo! or YumYum! and ship it out here. We live on Tres Rios. A better idea would be to use Amazon.com and you would never even have to leave your house. Again, that's T-r-e-s R-i-o-s. And let me say Thank You in advance for you support of Owen's latest addiction.

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