20 September 2005

Morning cartoons

If everyone can get themselves ready by 8 in the morning, they get to watch a half hour of morning cartoons before we leave to take Ashlyn to school. Unfortunately, the show that comes on at 8 is Higglytown Heroes. I'm sure you remember that this is a show that pretty much freaks me out. This is a good shot of what the people look like, and if they get scared or excited, they all pop into each other like those nesting doll things, which in itself has led to a laundry list of questions from Haley. And seriously, what is up with the talking squirrel? Small children (at least mine) seem to have a somewhat difficult time understanding the difference between tv and reality, and they think cartoons are just drawn pictures of real life from somewhere. I mean, sometimes, if you really want them to, will squirrels talk to you and help you find heroes when things go wrong? No. But Haley-bless her heart-wants it to happen so badly that she makes Max watch the show with her so maybe one day he'll be like the squirrel.

Max is not in this picture with Haley watching the show because he was busy sharing a waffle with Owen.

1 comment:

Brian Bojo said...

you mean your dog doesn't talk to you??