30 July 2005

Baby Einstein Baby MacDonald

Owen's favorite things to watch on tv are the Baby Einstein movies. They are supposed to make the kids smart or something, and if they're right about that then Owen is going to be a genius. He watches at least one every day. Today we watched Baby MacDonald and learned all about farms and farm animals. There may have been more to it, but that was all I could sit through.

Here is Owen dancing to the music while he watches a horse plow a field.

In this one, Owen is making sure I am not missing a single second of the movie. Pointing is Owen's new thing, but I'm sure you'll pick that up as you see the next few pictures.

He has to make sure Haley is paying attention and sees the puppet cow.

Now he's learning what a barn is I guess.

And yes, I see the barn too.

And the hay...

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