28 July 2005

Owen on safari

Yesterday Owen put on his hat and went outside to see what he could find.

This picture is light because it was originally dark and I tried to lighten it without really knowing what I was doing.

Owen found the ball right away.

As Max made his move, Owen quickly pinned his head to the ground.

He then found some time to sit on the swing with Ashlyn.

Wouldn't you know it? The dog came back for more. I told you he was dumb.

Having temporarily run off Max/competition, Owen takes some time to kick the ball around the yard.

Then it's back to the swing, this time with Haley. Oh, and Haley's expression? In a word-typical.

And now he's resting at the patio table.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That look from Haley!!! A child after my own heart...