24 November 2005

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Happy Thanksgiving! Today, along with my parents who are visiting, we went over to Joe and Amber's house to eat. We had too many dishes to name them all, but I can say that all the food was just the best! Everyone had a good time. After lunch, we went across the street to the playground to burn off some carbs.

We now feel that a sufficient enough amount of time has passed since Ashlyn's broken arm and it is safe for her to hang from the monkey bars. We have checked out her new school here and I have alerted them to the fact that Ashlyn tends to fall off monkey bars and hurt herself...we are not sure yet if Ashlyn will have hanging priviledges at school.

I suppose since this is Air Force housing they decided to put a little plane for kids to play on. Of course, it could just be a coincidence.

Owen enjoyed the plane until I put my foot on the tail and shook it violently. At that point, he almost fell off but luckily for me he caught himself but then quickly dismounted and refused to give it another try.

Arden loves to swing. She kicks and kicks excitedly while you push her. Arden refuses to wear shoes, so it is good that she likes the swing so much because that is all she is allowed to do at the park with just socks on.

The top of the slide was very high, so Nana (somewhat pictured in the background) helped Owen into position at the top of the slide.

Owen loves loves loves to slide!

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