26 December 2008

2 things

1. Owen spilled a glass of water on the mac and it died. Don't worry, it was quick and painless. So when the mac died all my pictures went with it, only Firedog at Circuit City says for 99.99 they can save the hard drive. The new mac is currently set to be delivered on the 30th.

2. Went to the ER again tonight. I can't seem to stay away from that place for long. As a matter of fact, when I handed the lady my insurance card she glanced at it and handed it right back, saying "Oh, we already have your information on file!" Anyway, Skylar decided to try to do a swan dive off Pops' bed, and it might have been successful if that damn bedside table hadn't gotten in her way. FYI Chris and Jin: Head wounds bleed like a mutha!


Pack said...

That is why we make Izzy where a padded helmet everywhere she goes. It will be mandatory until she is at least out of he house.


Robin said...

Oh my goodness! How is she doing?