14 December 2008

Say it loud, say it proud

I'm going to say this, and I'm not the least bit embarrassed. 

Seriously, everyone should go out and get themselves a minivan right now.  No matter how many kids you have, if you only have one kid, or even if you don't have any kids, the minivan is the vehicle for you.  Hell, minivans should be the only kind of car anybody makes anymore, they are that fabulous.  And I'm not pushing brands or anything, so get whichever one you want, but mine is pretty dang sweet, so if you're asking my opinion, get one like this.

And I don't care what anybody thinks about me driving a minivan.  Though I do feel I have a small degree of awesomeness, I'm not cool, I don't pretend to be cool, and I don't want to be cool (if it means giving up my minivan).  If anything, having a minivan has made me even more awesome, because it's awesomeness rubs off on my when I ride around in it.  And gas?  Oh my gosh, $27 filled it all the way up.  We won't even talk about what it cost to put gas in my Expedition.  

It all comes down to the fact that this van makes my life better, much like my beloved cell phone does.  It will make your life better too.  So go get one.  You'll thank me for it.       


Anonymous said...

My CR-V has a lot of the same features as your Odyssey. In fact, I think the only difference is mine doesn't have lights on the floor, exit signs and those inflatable slides.

lucinda said...

you should get a specialized tag that somehow says, "my van kicks ass"

The Cromer Family said...

What can I say? I felt the same way. It's easy and gas is much better.

Pack said...

plenty of room for seven?
