23 January 2009

Happy Birthday Yesterday!!

Yesterday was Skylar's 2nd birthday.  I would have mentioned it had I been blogging yesterday, but instead I was spending an exorbitant amount of time at the doctor's office (2+ hours), followed by the pharmacy (1+hours), followed by making several phone calls, the last one ending with me saying "Just where exactly do you sit at the doctor's office because I'm coming over there right now to KICK YOUR ASS."  Not my finest moment, but not my worst, so I'm at peace with it.

Anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY SKYLAR.  You are such a joy to have and to spend time with.  You are such a happy, happy child.  Your personality is second to none, and I'm so glad that I have finally managed to capture that personality on film to share with all the people who never get to spend time with you.  LOOK AT THAT PRECIOUS FACE!  WHO WANTS TO BABYSIT?? 

1 comment:

lucinda said...

one day, when you're really old, I have a feeling her vote will be "nursing home"