29 October 2005

Happy Halloween (2 days early)!!!

Tonight we went over to the Morman chuch (where Stratie and Tina attend) to get some candy, as some places were doing the Halloween thing tonight instead of Monday. Everyone was very very excited about the prospect of getting lots of treats. We plan on going trick-or-treating again on Monday on post. Rumor has it that lots of people from Mexico come up and trick-or-treat in our neighborhood and last year people were having more than 250 kids come to their door, so we plan on not being home Monday evening.

This year we have (left to right) Haley as Jessie from Toy Story 2, which gets her one step closer to fulfilling her dream of someday becoming a cowgirl, Owen as a NASCAR driver, and Ashlyn as a 50's sock hop dancer.

Ashlyn proudly displays her tire, um, record.

We bought some red hair dye spray from Spencer's and braided Haley's hair so she would look exactly like Jessie.

Owen rode in his Big Red Car (not pictured) to make his costume more authentic.

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