02 October 2005

Ready for Halloween

We have found a Halloween costume for Owen. It came in the mail last week, and we showed it to him but he would have nothing to do with it. So we show it to him a little more each day so he will start to like it and tonight Scott finally got him into it. He's a race car driver and will be trick-or-treating in his red car. The suit is a little puffy, and at first he had a little trouble walking in it and he fell down. Scott got him back up and he ran around the house yelling and laughing, so he must like it. Oh, and the back of the suit says Stunt Driver, so the whole thing goes with his cut lip and bruised cheek. I guess the week before Halloween we'll have to let him take another dive into the window so it will look really authentic.

Owen thinks velcro is just the greatest (but who doesn't) and once he found that the suit had a velcro belt he was sold!

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