20 October 2005

Patience is a virtue

Patience is a virtue that Owen simply does not possess. Lately Owen has taken issue just about every time he sees you put food in the microwave. He wants whatever type of food it is right then, not a couple of minutes later. This is especially true with frozen corn on the cob (his favorite food of all time) and chicken nuggets (his second favorite, or maybe third favorite behind fruit chews). I guess because the food mostly looks the same after it comes out he sees microwaving it as a waste of time, but this is probably just because he's not allowed to touch/play with/throw the food before we cook it so he doesn't realize it's cold to begin with.

Apparently 3 minutes is entirely too long to have to wait for Easy Mac. Owen thinks that maybe if he scales up the side of the microwave stand and puts his nose on the glass the time will pass quicker. FYI-Haley is showing the correct position to stand in when microwaving. You never stand directly in front of the door because...well, I'm not sure why exactly, but I am pretty sure I read that someplace.

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