03 June 2007

The upcoming visit

I am very glad that people have been emailing and calling me lately to say they cannot wait to see us when we come home to visit. We are all getting very excited here too. Tonight as I sat in the den and Skylar screamed in the swing I was reminded that all our baby gear that Skylar doesn't like isn't going to fit in the car with us for the trip. Sooo if anyone has anything we can borrow for the time we are home it would be greatly appreciated. Some of the things we may need that Skylar will not appreciate or like would be:
bouncy seat

In other news we got our swimming pool all set up and running and have been enjoying it for the past week. I was going to take a bunch of pictures tonight of Skylar swimming for the first time but right after we ate dinner the mother of all storms blew in. So instead we sat in the den trying to watch tv, which was impossible because every minute (I mean every single minute) the tv show would lose sound and there would be a very loud beep and then a voice would come on to tell us of the thunderstorm and flash flooding we were experiencing. We ended up watching a bunch of tivoed episodes of Gene Simmons Family Jewels, which is hilarious. Man, I love that show! If you have never watched it you really need to. That guy is such a bumbling idiot in his home life. Anyway, pictures of Skylar swimming will have to wait until next weekend when Scott is home because I do not trust Ashlyn to hold her in the pool. I do plan to take some pictures of Ashlyn, Haley and Owen swimming this week though. Because I am super cool and my kids NEVER get hurt I agreed to pull the trampoline over beside the pool so they could jump off into the water. I am the coolest mom ever! Little do they know me being nice to them is just a ploy so when I am old and crazy they feel obligated to take care of me.

**i'm just kidding about needing someone to supply these things-i'm bringing them with me!

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