03 January 2008


This year Owen wanted Santa to bring him a Power Wheels. It was all he asked for besides a tattoo (I don't even have the strength to address that one), and the week before Christmas I got all nervous that WalMart might be all sold out of the blue 4-wheeler that Owen wanted more than life itself, and where oh where in the world was Santa going to get one, because who knew if there was sufficient time to get to Abilene and even if there was, WOULD THEY HAVE THEM THERE? WHAT WOULD WE DO IF SANTA COULD NOT FIND A BLUE 4-WHEELER POWER WHEELS? But by gosh Santa came through, and I'm glad, because I haven't been this nervous about a Santa related item since the whole mermaid fiasco back in Hawaii, when I thought Santa or Mrs. Claus one was going to have to get into a knock down drag out over a baby doll that could get in the bathtub with Ashlyn.

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