18 May 2008

Fun on a Farm

Saturday night we went out to the Holder's farm, the Hold Yer Horses Ranch.  Greg recently retired from the army and is one of Scott's contractors and his wife, Jennifer, is the B Co Senior Drill Sgt.  Greg also has horses and trains and breaks horses and lots of other things that I don't know because I have no idea about horses.  So they have lots of land, miles and miles of it, like millions of miles of it that goes on forever and the kids just get out there and run off and you don't see them until they are hungry, which is kind of nice.  

Eric Ludwigsen was B Cos 1st Sgt up until about a week or so ago.  He and Scott got to San Angelo at the same time and we've hung out with him and his family a lot.  They have three kids, Austin (11-ish), Haley (8), and Matthew (6).  Our kids love their kids and Owen has spent the night at their house lots of times while Haley has spent the night over here lots of times.  This little get-together out at the Holder's was a going away party for them.  

I do not take my camera when I go to the Holder's because as a general rule you do not want photographic evidence of the things that go on out there.  I could list some of the things that happen, but I don't want any of you to think less of me because of the company I keep so I'll skip that part.  Last night was Amy's first time out to their house and she took her camera so that's where these pictures are coming from.  I would like to add that I did see one person getting a picture taken of their naked butt, however that picture will not appear on this blog.  Because I'm classy like that.  Also, this blog is only PG rated.

Owen specifically wore a sleeveless shirt to the party because he knew it was a party for Eric Ludwigsen and he felt Eric would have on a sleeveless shirt.  Owen associates people by their clothes much like Ashlyn and Haley did when they were small (who could forget Ashlyn's preschool friends, Red Twin and Blue Twin?) so whenever he wears sleeveless shirts he's wearing an "Eric Lud shirt" and whenever he wears cargo pants he's wearing "Master pants" a la Brian Lemaster.  

This is a picture of Owen and Brian Lemaster (see the cargo pants!!) on Austin Ludwigsen's little motorcycle.  I'm not sure how fast the bike went, but if I had to guess I would say ENTIRELY TOO FAST WHEN A FOUR YEAR OLD IS ON IT.  They zipped back and forth and Owen decided that "his daddy needed to buy him one of those."  Um, I'm thinking what everyone else reading this blog is thinking.  Hell no.  Unless Brian and Eric are reading it, and in that case they are thinking Hey, that's a good idea.  Because they are morons.  And drunk.   
Here is a picture of Eric (sleeveless shirt) and Owen on the bike.  Ladies, PLEASE CALM DOWN.  As you can see, Eric has his shirt on, so there is no need for the mass hysteria that usually follows him taking it off.  I have seen Eric take his shirt off on many many occasions, and oddly enough the majority of them occured inside halfway decent eating establishmets here in San Angelo and once even in Logan's.  Usually a nice dinner out with the Colonel isn't complete without a chest-baring incident from Eric.  This is one of the main reasons I'm friends with Eric, the whole potential for unexpected nakedness inside chain restaurants.  But honestly, they just don't come much better than the Ludwigsens.  I'm a better person because I know them.   
Owen had the time of his life riding the motorcycle.  Eric even let him steer it on the straight part of the ride.    
The kids also got to ride one of the horses.  

There is no picture of Skylar on a horse because it turns out she does not care for them.  Much like everything else in her life, if it doesn't involve food she can't be bothered with it.    


Anonymous said...

Are all of these people originally from Rome? It sounds like it!! Not much longer till you are back home! I can't wait to hug all those kids!!!

lucinda said...

Um, Owens Tatoos- is that right? How do you pluralize tatoo? I have no idea. Anyway, Owens tatoo times 2- Very classy.

lucinda said...

oh, I meant to say, the 2 tats mixed w/ the sleevless shirt and motorcyle helmet = very classy. He looks like he should be at the Rome Speedway, LOL.