16 April 2009

All the blogging I could do

The other day as I was watching Ashlyn and Haley beat the ever loving crap out of each other I thought "Wow, I should make a blog or something so I can keep everyone up to date on what these kids are doing."  Then I remembered Oh yeah.  

Tomorrow April is coming to spend the night so we can get up Saturday morning and run 3.1 miles voluntarily.  Not only is this voluntary, but we also paid the people to let us do it.  April is hoping to set some kind of record.  I am hoping not to die.

This should be very entertaining, however probably not as entertaining as this afternoon, when Jenny said "Let's go feed the ducks!" and so we took my 4 and her 2 and picked up Grandma and went to the lake.  There was a small mishap at the lake, and there are no pictures of it, simply because instead of taking pictures I was too busy trying to decide if I was gonna laugh it off or be pissed. 

See, there was some mud at the lake, and Skylar comes hauling right through the middle of it and somehow she doesn't fall, but her shoes are sucked right off her feet into the puddle.  And Jenny and I are all "Oh no!  Look out for the mud!" but Mary Kate either doesn't hear us or just decides to ignore us and she tries to run right through it and the next thing you know she's naked and crying and Jenny is using a baby wipe trying to get her cleaned up and so I'm all "Look!  We told you guys to watch out for the mud!" and wouldn't you know it right after that Owen is naked right beside Mary Kate and we're out of wipes.  

And no one could understand why we had to leave.  It's no wonder I seldom leave my house anymore.

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