26 April 2009

Ashlyn gets baptized

This morning Ashlyn got baptized. And I really don't know what the heck is up with the camera, but all the pictures have a yellowish background. I have a very nice camera, and because it's so big it's a little hard to stick it in my purse so for Christmas Scott bought me a very nice, very small camera specifically to carry in my purse, and I still don't understand what setting the little dial needs to be on for the pictures to be any good.

Just about everyone we know came to church with us this morning, and Roni (my sister-in-law) sang How Great Thou Art and my gosh if you weren't there then wow did you miss out. I asked her to sing something that would bring the house down. Well, she had a standing ovation before she even finished the song. Amazing. Simply amazing.

Anyway, if anyone knows how to work my specific type of camera, let me know. Because my SLR is a lot easier than this point-and-shoot thing.

1 comment:

lucinda said...

It's not your camera... it's the lighting in the church. It's terrible for pictures and I can never EVER get my pictures to look good in there. my pictures are always yellowish and I have the same cannon you have.