30 September 2005

A New Car-Part 2

The Nissan Xterra we bought on the 2nd turned out to be a problem car. It has been in the shop 4 times since we bought it and it needs to go back in again. So, today we went back and got this truck. Scott is so happy about it he can't stop smiling. It actually rides better than the Xterra did and it has a lot more pick-up. It has fold down seats in the back so we could put the kids back there if we needed to, but I don't see that happening much. Anyway, it is the perfect car for Scott, so we feel lucky to have found it. Plus, the dealership bent over backwards to make sure we didn't lose any money on the trade so we ended up getting a great deal on it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A Tacoma? That's so two cars ago! The cool ride these days is a Mazda 3!
