22 February 2007

Our "Come to Jesus" session

It will not be long before we all have a Come to Jesus session in our house. This will involve everyone under the age of 9, but it will mostly focus on Owen, who needs to reevaluate what is important to him and whether or not he can live without sitting down (because his butt is beyond busted).
We have a chain lock on the sliding glass door out of Owen's reach. Today while I was in the shower he pulled a kitchen table chair over to the door, unlocked the chain, and was happily jumping on the trampoline all by himself when I found him. And all the illegal aliens who work in the orchard were just plotting how they could jump the fence, abduct him, and whisk him off to Mexico where they could sell him for drug money. This of course is probably the worse case scenerio, but that is where my mind immediately goes so bear with me...
This afternoon Screams-A-Lot was just unconsolable so I brought her back to my room to rock her in the glider, since she seems to like that. Owen didn't want to sit in my room with me so I left him in the den watching Shark Tales. About 10 minutes later I called and he didn't come so I looked for him and found him outside in the car attempting to drive away. He had gotten the diaper bag, gotten my keys out of it, unlocked the car and just jumped in.
This is no doubt why I have gray hair. There is a very very fine line between Me and Me Needing Medication and that line is getting blurrier every day.
Our Come to Jesus session might also involve a belt...
Oh, and Haley just threw up the hot dog she ate for lunch at school. I hate myself.


Anonymous said...

oh jeez, man! i feel your pain. well, actually no, 'cuz i only have one kid. but my kid is 3 and a terror and i turn my back for a sec and he's about to throw himself off the balcony upstairs onto the couch. or he's covered my wall in permanent marker. did i mention he's still not potty trained? and he still sleeps in a crib and sucks on a nappy rag that has more germs than one can imagine. i hate myself too. :)
hang in there! it all makes for some good blog material, right? ;)

Anonymous said...

It doesn't get any easier! Love you, Uncle Tom