28 August 2006


Congratulations to Joe and Amber and Arden, who have successfully changed Joe's military orders. They were supposed to go to Ft. Leonard Wood in Missouri, a miserable sort of place where Scott went to basic training also known as Ft. Lost in the Woods. Instead, they are going to beautiful Vicenza, Italy and will get to live there for three years on the government's dime and get to travel around Europe thanks to the hefty amount of cola (cost of living allowance) the government will throw at them to offset the hassle of living in a foreign country. If only I had their hassles!!

Have fun and find Scott a job over there too!!!

And congratulations to Karin, my surrogate friend, who found out today that she is still carrying all three babies and the one teeny one that was lagging behind has taken a turn for the better and is going to make it. And no, no one will fault you for using all that money for a tummy tuck!

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