17 August 2006

My latest

One of my recent purchases on ebay was the Precious Moments Noah's Ark set. It came in the mail today and has taken up residence on the bottom shelf of my curio cabinet right beside my Precious Moments Sammy's Circus set. You can see the ark, Noah and his wife, giraffes, sheep, bunnies, pigs and elephants. They also have llamas, which I have purchased but which have not arrived yet, and lions, goats and zebras (that I don't have).

So if you think this curio is practically busting at it's seams, I'm not even going to show you a picture of my salt & pepper shaker curio!

1 comment:

The Cromer Family said...

I love it! I don't have a curio to put them in so mine are all boxed up. You do have a lot.