24 August 2006

Elmo goes on the potty

They now have a movie out called Elmo's Potty Time. Today after having lunch with Amber and Arden we went to WalMart and bought it. It is 45 minutes long.

I am embarrassed for every person who had anything to do with making this DVD as it contains a number of unfortunate songs and conversations. Owen absolutely loves it. We watched it and he talked non-stop about Elmo going potty and Grover going potty and Baby Bear going potty, etc. One of the songs is The Dirty Diaper Dance and it actually includes the line "if your diaper's dry, you'll look fly."

It has also (after one time) taught Owen an extensive vocabulary. They use words ranging from wee wee to dookie and everything in between. That is the part where they have real children dancing and screaming out words that describe what you may or may not be doing in the bathroom. I would best describe it as frightening.

After one time through Owen was ready to move on to other things, none of which included taking off his diaper and sitting on the potty, because when I asked him he told me "O already done." He has not gone "numero dos" (fyi-another perfectly good phrase we learned) today so I am going to try again in a few minutes, but from the odor I think he must have done it in the last 5 minutes while I was typing this.

1 comment:

Becky said...

I know this is not what you want to hear, but Patrick didn't even come close to getting the idea until a few months ago--well past 3 yrs. old. Even when he knew WHAT to do, he still didn't WANT to do it.

Ashlyn and Haley were probably pros by the time they were Owen's age, but I think girls always do it faster (on account of being much more naturally brilliant). Anyway, it was really stressful trying to P.T. Patrick until I gave up and let him do it himself.

However, if you do manage to get Owen done before three yrs., well then, you are my hero and I will send Ben to you in a year and a half!