21 September 2007

Rub A Dub Dub

For those of you who don't know, our house flooded. Terribly. We lived in a hotel for a week and then moved back into a house with cement floors. A week later we got new carpet and bathroom/kitchen floors and it's been nice, really nice because now we can actually put Skylar down.

Well anyway, the week we got the carpet the tile wall in the master bedroom shower collapsed. Now we are getting that fixed too, and right now there is nothing in the bathroom except the studs. Oh, and the ants, spiders and roaches who are coming inside the house in droves through a small hole in the wall that leads out to our backyard (that I'm not entirely sure should be there). Our landlord, a super nice guy who I have never seen (and wouldn't know if he walked up to the front door) has decided to go ahead and replace the tub too. So plumbers and tilers and wall-ripper-downers and the like have been parading in and out of the house all week. The tub replacing is supposed to happen tonight, and I sincerely hope it does, because I cannot think of a better way to spend a Friday night than to listen to Owen run play-by-play on what all the workers in my bathroom are doing. I am also going to go out on a limb and assume that this tub will have a working stopper thingy that will allow me to fill it up with water for extended amounts of time and sit in the water while all the kids freak out about the bathroom door being closed with me on the inside, leading them to beat repeatedly on the door asking me what I am doing and can they come in. Because I am a liar, a big fat one, and just because I say I'm taking a bath and go away, I'm probably not, and the water running is probably just a ruse, and I'm probably in there eating candy and ice cream and they are totally missing out.

Yesterday Scott asked the Colonel to talk to his contacts in Tampa at MacDill AFB to see if there might be a position there for Scott to take when he relinquishes his command. And yes, he would still be in the army, just stationed at another AFB, like we are know. We also have some other places we are interested in going though, so I'm not sure if he will take a position there should one become available. I figure he may take a job in Tampa so while he is cruising around in a tank in Iraq the rest of us can be blowing all his deployment money at Disneyland. Because that would be fair.

Today Owen, Skylar and I went by Scott's office while we were on post to say hi, and ended up getting invited to go to lunch with him, MAJ Spragg and CPT Jumper. We went to Hidalgo's, which is a hole, but the chips and salsa were really good and the rest of the food was okay too. I put Skylar in a high chair and she immediately kicked off her flip flops so I put one on the table for her to play with. When my food came she promptly stuck her shoe right into the middle of my guacamole, which I ate anyway. After all, it's guacamole, and it's a sin not to eat it.

You'll all also have to forgive me for the sorry state of my blog posts lately, but I got a new laptop, and it's a Mac. So all the blogger functions don't work, because I'm not using Explorer for my web browser, I'm using Safari. Now putting in any links is a huge pain because it's all html and I just don't have the time for all that. But I highly recommed a Mac to anyone and everyone thinking of getting a new computer, because they are about 100 times easier to use. And Owen loves it because he thinks I got it from Applebee's, which is one of his favorite places to eat.

So I'll leave you all with a picture of Skylar, who has just recently realized that my gosh, we have a DOG!

1 comment:

Amy said...

Girl, what are you on? You are still witty & funny, but this post is all over the place! Maybe that makes it even funnier. Hmmmm.

Anyway, do you have any left to share? Because I haven't been very good about updating my blog either.