07 December 2007

The pediatric cardiologist

Today Skylar had her appointment with the pediatric cardiologist. You may be wondering why I didn't mention it beforehand and it's simply because I didn't want to worry everybody until there was something definite to worry about. Six months ago if I had said "Oh, by the way, Skylar has to see a pediatric cardiologist" everyone would have started calling asking questions and I wouldn't have had any real answers until after the appointment anyway, so I didn't tell anybody. It's not me keeping information from you, it's me being extra considerate and not causing you extra worry.

So anyway, the appointment was daunting, to say the least. They did an EKG with all the stickers and cords which surprisingly Skylar did not appreciate. And of course it totally freaked Owen out and from that point on he became a giant pain in the butt asking over and over again if I would please get Skylar's clothes on her so we could leave. Then there was blood pressure checks on both arms and both legs. When she was weighed they wouldn't even let her have on a diaper, so that was the best part for Skylar by far because she was NEKKID, and to her there's no better way to live. She weighs 20 lbs, 12 oz in her birthday suit and she is 30 inches long. All of these tests were done in one room, then when we were finished we moved to another room.

Dr. Zamora came in and listened to her chest and took some notes and then said he was going to do an ultrasound, so we moved to another room. Skylar didn't much care for the ultrasound either, and it took a while, probably about 15 minutes or so, and I was running out of things to do to entertain her and right when she began to lose her mind on my 20th rendition of "This little piggy" it was over.

The doctor said that her heart was normal, that the murmur was what they termed an "innocent murmur" and in no way degenerative. The clicking sound her heart was making is fine too, as all the valves are opening and closing normally and in normal rhythm. The sides of her heart are all normal and of normal thickness with no holes or leaks. He actually didn't hear the click, but Skylar was at the doctor yesterday and that doctor did hear it, but only faintly. So basically over the course of her life the click started out loud and has gradually diminished, which is exactly what you want to happen. They were all worried at first about her heart valves sticking or moving too fast or too slow and they were throwing all sorts of big words around that I didn't understand, but now we know it's all working perfectly.

We don't have any follow-up appointments and she does not need any additional care. Oh, and if anyone out there needs to decide on what to be when they grow up, I would say a pediatric cardiologist is a good choice. Dr. Zamora had on a Dolce and Gabbana suit with a Rolex watch. And I was afraid to even look at his shoes.


Anonymous said...

I am so glad all is well with Skylar! She is adorable!

Too funny about the D&G suit the doc was wearing. he's got fine (and rich as hell) taste. :)

Anonymous said...

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lucinda said...

Did you just get blog spammed? Glad Skylar is Okay. I don't blame you for not mentioning it earlier, you would have been answering hundreds of questions.