04 February 2008

And then there were two

Last night before I went to bed Ashlyn came running up to me to tell me that her closet smelled awful.  I went in and checked and sure enough, Jet had peed in there.  I know it was Jet because the other two cats were in the room with us.  Then, this morning the girls got up to get ready for school and Haley picked up her shirt that she had laid out and it was covered in pee.  Plus there was more poop in the den floor.  

I called the vet and talked to them and they told me the cat had a behavior problem and it was only going to get worse.  They advised me to bring the cat back to them.  I tried to get the cat to sit with me on the couch so I could pet him a little and he tried to scratch my eyes out.  Then, when I tried to get him into the kennel he got me really good, and now I have scratches all up both of my arms (I was wearing a short-sleeved shirt).  So I took him back to the vet, and I felt so bad about it I almost cried.  And the lady at the vet told me not to worry about it at all, that they had had the same problems with the cat before they let me take him.

Um, what?

I guess I am just really upset that I was misled.  I mean, they told me he was the sweetest cat, with the best disposition, just a wonderful little lap cat.  Then, when I take him back they give me a laundry list of problems they had with him while he was living there.  It's all for the best that we took him back, and now I've spent the better part of the day trying to get the ammonia smell from the cat pee out of Ashlyn's closet and room and off the couch.  And oh my gosh it's bad.  Hmmm...maybe I'll get a new couch out of the deal! 

On a good note, Amber and I have been discussing my love of Carino's Romano Chicken and she was like "Well, why don't you make it?  Just put in some of this and that and this and blah blah blah..." so I found a jar of sun-dried tomatoes at WalMart and made it tonight and it tasted so much like Carino's I almost cried.  Seriously.  It was that good.  So the next time anybody comes to visit us I'll make you some.  Promise.   


Anonymous said...

It's so good I make it once a week. And pasta is low on the glycemic index so you can eat it and not feel guilty!

Amy said...

Does this mean you are ready to take Josie? Because she really is a good cat! And she really doesn't pee in the house. And she really does like to cuddle on your lap. The only annoying thing she does is try to get attention from Brian when he is on the computer. She has not yet figured out that he doesn't like cats. She'll jump on his lap over and over and over again ... I mean like 50 times!

Amy said...

Maybe Amber should UPDATE her darn blog and put that recipe out there for the rest of us to see!

Jennifer said...

Look, I used butter, chicken, mushrooms, sun-dried tomatoes, green onions and artichokes. Chop everything up and saute it all together in a pan. Cook some noodles-I used the bowties, but Amber uses penne, Carinos uses bowties, it doesn't matter what you use. After everthing is sauteed together stir in some alfredo sauce and cayenne pepper. Heat it all up and then stir in the noodles. Ta-Da!

And yes, I agree with you totally, Amber needs to update her blog. What a slacker.

Amy said...

Ok, you might be a throw it all together cook, but I am a measure everything cook ... even if I have made it 20 times. I was trying to accomplish a couple of things at the same time. 1. Get a good recipe for myself. 2. Give Amber an easy post. 3. Give Amber's readers something to read. 4. Give Amber's readers all something to talk about together.

Jennifer said...

Well, sorry I ruined your plan. And look, if you want to measure the stuff before you put it in the pan, that's totally fine!

Amber lives in ITALY! She should have no shortage of easy posts. For GOD'S SAKE Amber, take a picture of Italy and post it already!!!

Jennifer said...

P.S. Amber never measures anything either. She made an entire Thanksgiving dinner the first year we were here, and I mean she made like 10 different dishes, and she didn't measure a single thing. She's A-mazing like that.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I'm coming up with a posting about the two of you. Just you wait and see...