23 February 2008

Happy Birthday Ashlyn!!

Another day, another birthday around here. I guess that's pretty much what happens when you have 47 kids.

Today Ashlyn turned 9 years old and to celebrate we went bowling at Thede Bowling Center on base. We took 5 other kids with us besides ours, bringing the grand total of kids to 9, meaning we had to drive both cars to get everyone there. There were 3 girls from Ashlyn's class, one little sister who was Haley's age, and one little brother that was Owen's age. See how nicely that worked out? And those of you who know me, who really know me, know I totally planned it that way. It was cosmic bowling, meaning they turned out the lights and everything glowed and they played music really loud, which was nice because I couldn't hear myself think, let alone hear the kids arguing about who was going to go first and who was winning and all that crap.

We don't usually do birthday parties around here, not because we're anti-social or anything, but I tried to do one when Ashlyn turned 2 in Alaska and I invited all the kids of all the people we knew and they all came and when we tried to sing Happy Birthday to Ashlyn she freaked out and climbed under the table and wouldn't come back out. So I didn't try again until she turned 6 and we had a bowling party in Rome while Scott was in Afghanistan. That one I blame on the fact that Scott was gone and I was trying entirely too hard to overcompensate, along with the one I had for Haley that same year, the one at the seafood restaurant where I brought in 20 pizzas, which I blame on the fact that the medication hadn't entirely kicked in yet. Other than that we just haven't had one really, I guess I just figure I can take the money I would spend on the party and buy alcohol presents with it and it all evens out and I don't have to clean my house or entertain a bunch of kids. And it's a lot quieter.

I took some pictures today, but they didn't really turn out. Most of them are blurry, and the ones that aren't blurry are just pictures of Skylar's hand, because every time I tried to take a picture she would reach and try to grab the camera. But it was fun times, especially when the little boy told us he needed to go to the bathroom because he had to pee so bad his eyes were watering. And Ashlyn got some nice gifts, and she even got this, because obviously that mother HATES ME, and wants me to suffer some kind of awful, prolonged painful death.

So we're home now, after 3 hours of bowling fun, and I'm pooped. Maybe it's because there were so many kids, or maybe it's because I had a long long week, or maybe it's just because I'm so freakin old. It's very very hard to sit and watch a bunch of kids bowl three games with bumper guards and never get a collective score of at least 175. And my feet hurt, and my back hurts, and my head hurts, but it's over. Everybody had a great time and everybody's face is permanently stained by the green icing on the cupcakes Ashlyn had to have.

Hmmm, I think I'm going to go soak my face in some tequila for a week while.

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