13 March 2008

The Letter

(this is a copy of the letter I sent to school today with Haley)
Dear Mrs. Owens,

Last night Haley did her homework.

However, when she was finished, she was not responsible enough to put it back in her folder and stick it in her backpack instead of leaving it lying on the table where Skylar could reach it.  This was my fault because I "didn't tell her to do that." 

Skylar got Haley's homework and tore it in three pieces.  At that point, Haley again was not responsible enough to tell me or anyone else what happened or ask for tape or look for tape herself.  She apparently still felt that it was to be left lying on the table.  This was also my fault, because I was having a heated argument with the cable installer at the time in a completely different room oblivious to what was going on and I "didn't give her the idea about the tape."

Last night Scott cleaned the house (I was gone to a dinner meeting) and when he came across the ripped up paper he threw it away.  

This morning Haley actively participated in helping get all the trash out of the house because today is trash day.  After it was all shoved in the outside trash can and the can was taken to the curb Haley asked if anyone had thrown away any ripped up paper, that it was not trash, but her homework, and could somebody go through the trash and get it for her so she could take it to school. 

Needless to say, Haley will not be turning in any homework today.

Haley also did not do her reading last night, as she left her book baggie at school.  She realized this about 15 minutes after she got home from school, and I wouldn't take her back to get it (the cable installer was just starting cableCard installation into the Tivo at that point), which in her mind makes this my fault too, since Haley does anything and everything she can to shift blame and avoid all types of responsibility unless it involves getting toys, ice cream, or some type of monetary reward.    

Jennifer Starr


Anonymous said...

Are you sure that this is Halye Starr and not Haley Ware?

Robin said...

You are freakin hilarious!!!