04 March 2008


I know a joke.
Hey Mama, do you know what?
You're supposed to say Who.
Not what, you're supposed to say "No but I know his brother, Who."
Oh.  Okay.
Hey Mama, do you know What?
No, but I know his brother, Who.
Ha Ha!  That's a good one Mama!
Who? (hee hee)
I thought you were telling me a joke.
I am.
Are we talking about the same thing?
Um, knock knock.
Go away.
Mama!  Knock knock.
Is that a margarita?
Mama, you know how you tell me to do stuff and I say I didn't hear you but really I did?  You're doing that to me right now, aren't you?
What do you mean, when you say you didn't hear me but really you did?  You mean you are ignoring me?
No, you're ignoring me.  Right now.
I'm not talking about right now.
Well what are you talking about?  
When you say you don't hear me but you really do.
I hear you fine, you're right in front of me.  Why wouldn't I hear you?
I'm not talking about right now.  I'm talking about what you said earlier.  What did you just say?

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