27 March 2008

Ear tubes and one expensive trip to WalMart

So, as it turns out, he wasn't just ignoring us. He was suffering from CHS (can't hear shit) due to the lousy condition of his ears.

Owen got his first ear infection of his entire life about 6 weeks ago. It was about 2:30 in the afternoon that day when he started complaining, and by 9:00 the next morning we were at the clinic on base when both his eardrums burst. Now we all know this is not good, not good at all, and it causes massive amounts of crying. Several appointments and 5 weeks later the mucus was still built up behind his eardrums. Not infected, but definitely affecting his hearing. And by "affecting his hearing" I mean even if you were hollering there was no way he could hear you if he was more than about 10 feet away.

Yesterday Owen got tubes put in his ears. It was the same doctor than 8 days ago took out Haley's tonsils, the same doctor that one year ago got the earring back out of Haley's earlobe, the same doctor that could now basically retire just off of us.

I spent three days getting Owen all pumped up about the mask he would have to breathe into for the anesthesia. Then I told him that if he was a big boy and didn't cry he would get a surprise. Last week I made this exact same deal with Haley and she didn't cry. She howled like a banshee. Somehow, probably because I'm a sap, she still ended up with a new toy. Ashlyn heard me tell him this and actually said "Man, I wish I could get some kind of surgery so I could get something!" So, again because I'm a sap, or maybe because I was slightly worried she might fling herself off the top bunk in an effort to hurt herself enough to require professional help, I agreed she could get something too because she made 100 on her TAKS test. And of course we are proud of her, and it's so wonderful and all, and she is such a freakin nerd so I caved and said I'd get her a prize. Oh, and also because we all know I don't need to make another trip to the emergency room with one of my kids. Seriously, one day people are going to start getting suspicious.

Well, Owen was a champ at the surgery center and didn't cry, though he did look nervous when they wheeled him and his blankie away, and he totally inhaled, so don't let him tell you differently if he ever runs for office and this subject comes up. After we picked up Ashlyn and Haley from school we went to Walmart. I bought 6 things. This, this, this, this, this and this. And it was $90. 90 freakin dollars. Unbelievable. Why oh why didn't I have the good fortune to have invented the WalMart?

So here is a picture of Owen and me before the ear tube procedure. I took this with my cell phone and today I managed to get it from the phone to the computer with only a minimal use of all the bad words I know.

And this is Owen right before they wheeled him off, checking his email one last time. He's such a workaholic...he really needs to slow down.


Pack said...

You can let Owen know that Mr Chris, who he has never met, had to have 7, that right 7, sets of tubes while growing up. Turned out to be allergy related.

Amy said...

He looks so darn cute sitting there "checking his email"

The Cromer Family said...

Wow! I hope things will go up hill from now on. I know that must have been hard. For everyone around. Owen looks so cute. And you look GREAT! You'll have to let me know your secret!!! I'm good here. Just gaining and going crazy. I'm sure you can relate. I'll need all the advice you have to offer me. Just send it all my way. I hope Owen has recovered well.

lucinda said...

Will got tubes last year. They are wonderful little things, but now he talks louder. A lot louder. I'm not sure if it's the tubes or just him being 3.