23 September 2008

Build A Bear

A couple of weeks ago I took the kids up to Hamilton Place to help celebrate Leeanne's birthday at Build A Bear. I was just looking through my pictures and realized I hadn't posted any pictures of the bears. I think it's really cool, and also a little freaky, that the kids all dressed their bears in totally different ways but each one ended up totally reflecting their own personalities.

Ashlyn's bear is named Katie. Katie is dressed in a very fashionable shirt and jeans ensemble, which is exactly the type of thing Ashlyn wears to school on a daily basis. If any of you are wondering what to send her for Christmas or her birthday, something that looks like this would be perfect.  You may notice that Ashlyn is wearing her glasses in this picture, and she normally has her contacts in.  Well, she is wearing her glasses because they called from the school on Wednesday to tell me she had pink eye and I needed to come get her immediately.  So I go to pick her up and am informed that she cannot come back to school until she has a note from a doctor saying she's been on antibiotic eye drops for at least 24 hours.  I called the doctor to make an appointment and the only appointment they had was for 2:15, and yes, Owen still gets out of school at 2:30.  After several phone calls my aunt Chris (of the house in Alabama with the vicious frog) picked him up from school, which I will talk about in a minute.  And you know what?  She didn't have pink eye.  And you know what else?  I didn't take in the diaper bag because I am a moron and Skylar pooped the second we got in there and let me tell you it didn't smell like roses.  But I'm glad she didn't have pink eye because that means all of us would have gotten it and if I can't wear my contacts then shit around here is just going to stop dead because I have no glasses now that Skylar grabbed them and ripped them apart.  She's really great like that...have I mentioned how great she is? 
Owen's bear is named Scout.  He is dressed like a baseball player.  Owen's entire life revolves around this t-ball stuff and it was a no-brainer that his bear get these particular clothes.  And it seems that Owen has some admirers up at Wake Forest, and to that he says "Hellooooo Ladies!"  Then he makes some crazy sound and makes a hand motion like he's cracking a whip.  I have no idea what that's about...  Anyway, on Wednesday my aunt had to pick him up and I was afraid he was going to go to pieces when I didn't show up because our whole entire morning conversations are based around "Mama will be back to pick you up at 2:30 Owen.  2:30.  I promise.  2:30.  It's only a little while.  I would never leave you, Owen, I will be there to pick you up at 2:30, now please come down off the roof."  I had the entire school and the entire Fire Department on alert for whatever his reaction might be when Chris got there to get him.  And the little guy was so excited to see her he couldn't stand himself.  And he went willingly.  And he asked me later why different people couldn't pick him up every day instead of me.  And guess what.  He hasn't cried at school since.  We have had four glorious days of walking into school and walking back out just like all the other parents, with no incidents.  If he makes it five days he gets the fishing game.  If he makes it ten I just might be able to give up my morning double shot of tequila. 
Skylar's bear is named Molly and from time to time she actually shows a little interest in it.  It's not her favorite thing though, her favorite thing is screaming loudly.  Her bear is wearing a cute top and some pink pants that look like some of the stuff Skylar has in her closet.  The shirt says "I'm Glamorous" and of course so is Skylar.  I mean, how can you have hair like that and not be glamorous? 
And leave it to Haley to take an innocent little bear and dress it up like Britney Spears.  But really, did you expect anything else?


Robin said...

Oh my goodness...the bears fit your kids perfectly!!! I miss y'all....

The Layne Family said...

Ohh...we have that fishing game. That junk is HARD!

Amy said...

That Build A Bear trip must of cost you a pretty penny! You're supposed to be saving for the good tequila!!!