01 September 2008

My little ball player

So I was wrong when I said when I got to Heaven I'd just live one street over from all the people involved in peewee football. Turns out that street is reserved for all the people who've had anything to do with 4 year old T-Ball. "Maddening" is not even a word that begins to describe it. Really, HOW MANY TIMES DO WE HAVE TO SHOW YOU WHERE FIRST BASE IS? It doesn't change. We are not trying to trick you. Honest.

It is the sweetest thing to watch though, and the kids are so excited about being out there on the field. And they get to BAT! and CATCH! and LOOK AT MY CLEATS! and it just melts my heart to see Owen out there playing. But even better than that was today, when Scott got to go to practice with him. Owen has about 9 or 10 games but they will all be over by the time Scott get's back on October 7th (which is also Papa's birthday, gosh I miss him), so I'm glad he got to go with us today and stand on the field with Owen and give him some pointers.

Mark Layne is the coach and he and his wife Amanda go to our church so Owen knows their son, Jacob. Amanda is becoming one of my good friends here and Mark is the best. He is the perfect coach and I'm so glad Owen is on his team. I'm not sure who is more excited about t-ball, the kids or Mark!

Owen tells everybody he meets that he plays baseball. He uses it to pick up chicks, just like his daddy used to. It's a good thing he looks great out there on the field. He gets that from his daddy too!


Pack said...

Love the Phillies Jersey!!


Amy said...

He is so darn cute! I wish we could come watch a game!!!

lucinda said...

Fun times. We'll join you in the spring, but we can't handld more than one sport at a time.