01 September 2008

My restful weekend

Scott came home this weekend for a short visit. He got here Saturday morning about 2:30a and will leave in the morning after I leave to take the kids to school. It is important for him to see Owen in the morning because that way when Owen screams like I'm killing him cries at preschool and people ask "But why did you cry?" he'll at least have a decent reason, instead of his normal one, which is "I just did."

We didn't do much of anything this weekend, which was nice because I was pretty much drunk the entire time.  Just kidding!  I was not drunk this morning at t-ball practice!  Anyway, we spent a lot of time outside playing in the front yard and we also took a lot of naps.  *winkwink*  

Scott will be back on October 7th (happy birthday papa!) and he'll get to stay until the 22nd.  He'll actually be boots-on-the-ground on October 28th (happy birthday Joe!).  At that point I plan on having a small breakdown, which I hope will lead to an increase in my dosages.  Because nothing says "it'll be alright" like more pills.

1 comment:

Amy said...

I am sure you are all glad that Scott'll be home on Oct 7, but I am thinking Brian won't! He's not getting there until the 12th. I guess they'll have to look for each other in the desert.