09 March 2007

10 Things Skylar needs to learn

1. The bouncy seat is your friend.
2. The swing is your friend.
3. The car is not hell. So don't cry like it is.
4. I know it's exciting living with Owen, but if you miss anything while you're asleep, I'll tell you, so GO TO SLEEP.
5. We hear you when you cry. There's no need to do it as loud as humanly possible.
6. I have to take a shower daily. Please see #1.
7. I have to eat daily. Please see #2.
8. Filling your mouth up with milk and then spitting it at me when you're mad is not very becoming, and it proves no point. Plus, it's wasteful.
9. When Owen comes near you, always duck.
10. My hair is not now, has not ever been, and will not ever be handles.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

girl, i hear ya. I think i had the world's most horrendous infant. he would never sit in that damn bouncy or in the swing. he squawked all day and all nite and he never ever slept. and if he did we all declared that a freaking miracle had taken place! the post below this one is too damn funny!