13 March 2007

Owen! Don't look!

So I got an email from my uncle Tom this morning and he had attached a couple of pictures. Tyler is 14 and I think Owen is going to be a lot like him. Totally into football and basketball and baseball and always on the go. He is extremely energetic and when Tom tells me stories about him getting into everything I laugh but then I think Owen will be doing the same thing in a few years so then I cry a little. Anyways, I looked at the first picture and thought "Oh gee look, Tyler has a dirtbike. Look at that cool pose on the dirtbike with his dirtbike-riding clothes on."
Then I looked at the second picture and thought "Oh my God, Tyler is in the pasture riding the dirtbike and doing a wheelie on the dirtbike and the dirtbike is moving, probably somewhat quickly, and Tyler is on the dirtbike not even sitting down on the dirtbike!"
Owen would think Tyler is awesome. I think I need to keep Owen far far away from Tyler.


Becky said...

I cry a little too b/c I know Patrick will end up on the dirt bike as well. He adores Tyler...in the same town. It's too early to tell with Ben, but I can always hope that he'll be bookish...

Anonymous said...

ya well yall can talk all yall want but try living with him!! and in the second picture he was doing the same thing this weekend and it didnt go so well and now the back fender in broke off! haha