12 March 2007

Spring Break '07

Spring Break '07 promises to suck just like last year did. Today, on the day Owen has two other people in the house to entertain him, he slept until 11:45. Skylar, on the other hand, got up at 4:10. I fed her and checked her diaper and put her back to bed, but she refused to go to sleep and instead threw her pacifier over and over at my head. I checked her diaper again and found that it had leaked-damn you, Huggies-and all her clothes needed to be changed, which woke her up even more. Then she decided it must be playtime so she began to wave her arms and legs around so furiously I started to worry that planes might start to land in the bedroom. I tried to turn on her new mobile, but that backfired because the projecion light came on so we could experience "stars and wave patterns that dance on the ceiling to create a soothing environment for your baby". Well, with our eyes accustomed to the darkened room we were both partially blinded by the beam of sun that shot out of the top of the mobile.

Later in the morning I decided to take a shower so I left Haley in charge. One might ask Why Haley? but I have good reasons: 1. Nothing happens in the house without Haley knowing about it and telling me, and 2. Ashlyn plays on the computer or the watches a movie on tv with more concentration that I have ever seen possessed by another human being. I'm not sure she would even notice hugely dangerous things like, oh, natural disasters. Plus, with her oblivious to all the things happening in the room around her Owen would have ample time to fashion some type of ladder out of various household items, disable the door alarm, and escape again.

I had other things in mind to do today, like clean the kitchen and vacuum and give Skylar a bath and I told every kid in the house about it. Nobody had a problem with any of it except for Skylar, who did nothing to hide the way she really feels about me, my plans, or really just life in general:

1 comment:

Becky said...

My God Jennifer, I don't know how you do it. You are just a much, much, MUCH stronger woman than I am, I guess.

The girls look gorgeous in the pics above. Well, it's from the back, but I can still tell that they're gorgeous. That didn't sound as creepy in my head.