06 July 2008

Cave Spring Fireworks

Thursday night we took the kids down to Cave Spring to see their firework show. I can't lie, the main reason we went was because I heard there would be lots of fat girls in bikinis and really, who wants to miss out on something like that? We got down there kind of early so we went to Sabrina and Dan's house (Sabrina is my tattooed friend from high school) to pre-game. So we ended up getting to the fireworks later than we planned and didn't get to walk over to the pool and check out all the babes.

Joel and Lucinda (more of our friends) were already set up right along the road so we joined them. Right across the street was the fire hall and there were rows of cars where everyone had parked. And I'm not even kidding, the people in charge had roped off like one row and said "Nobody park here" and that's where they shot them from. Just off the ground right next to all the parked cars, about 20 yards or so from were we were sitting. I'm sure they were taking the necessary precautions and all, but I swear it seemed totally unsafe. I'm happy to report nothing bad happened, although we did see one woman get wheeled across the street on a stretcher and loaded into an ambulance but that was way before the fireworks actually started so I'm guessing it was unrelated. All the kids took great notice of the lady on the stretcher, and you could see their little minds working, and we all decided that on the way home when all they wanted to talk about was the lady being put in the ambulance and what in the world happened to her we would say she didn't drink enough water and eat enough vegetables at dinner and LOOK WHAT HAPPENED. SHE DIDN'T EVEN GET TO SEE THE FIREWORKS SHE WAS SO UNHEALTHY.

Sitting so close to where they were shooting off the fireworks was great because we had a really good view of them, but unfortunately they were also extremely loud and Skylar screamed NO! NO! NO! throughout the entire show. It seems Skylar doesn't care for fireworks. Gee, something Skylar doesn't like...WHO KNEW.

I had taken some pictures before the show of the kids playing. Will and Ava belong to Joel and Lucinda. Caden belongs to Dan and Finn belongs to Sabrina. The other 47 kids are mine.

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